Who Created Czech Time?
This online textbook with practice has been developed by Tomáš Ptáčník, a professional language teacher and mentor who has devoted his whole life to languages. Both learning and teaching them. Tomáš has been teaching languages for 14 years and by having students from more than 25 countries, he has learned to give Czech lessons in a deeply systematic way.
His other educational projects are Verbs.cz and private eElement learning System. Before the corona crisis, he was leading the Element Language School in Brno.
Mission Statement
“The mission of Czech Time is to make learning the Czech language an enjoyable activity by providing students with a comprehensive guide to all its educational aspects.”
The Idea
A couple of words directly from the author:
Before I actually started developing this website, the idea had been forming in my head for some time. The main reason were never-ending complaints of my students about the lack of online educational materials for the Czech language.
It is true that since 2015, there have been more and more websites, videos and podcasts helping foreigners study the language. However, none of them ever delivered a comprehensive and full experience. As to printed books, there is only a limited number of textbooks, most of which are old and ugly. And the modern ones are still lack something, be it exercises, audio records, enough examples or practical visual materials.
My students had been also demanding something which they could use on the go. In mid-2020, I had more space to dedicate my time into the development of this project of my lifetime. I started gathering more materials, photos and students’ feedback. In a couple of months, the project proceeded into its beta stage and first students actually started using it.
Let’s see which direction Czech Time will head now. I have done my part, now it’s your turn. Use the website, spread the word and enjoy!

I would like to thank all beta testers who highlighted various problems at the very initial stages of this project. All photos have been used from freely accessible photo banks, the ones which are from elsewhere are appropriately credited below each image. Last but not least, I recognise all visitors who come to this website with the aim to seek information and make themselves more knowledgeable.
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