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The Best Way to Learn the Czech Language Online

Czech Time is a comprehensive online textbook which helps foreigners to learn the Czech language from the very beginning without any previous knowledge.

Join other students around the world and start an immersive journey of studying Czech.

pták (bird)
moderní (modern)
smát se (to laugh)
to laugh
budík (alarm clock)
alarm clock
This is how you will learn vocabulary

Site Features

Step-by-Step Grammar

Every lesson is built up upon previously learnt content. New grammar is explained in an easy manner with multiple examples. There are hundreds of hours of educational materials.

Vocabulary with Pictures

Czech Time is a visual and colourful experience. Vocabulary is always accompanied with illustration photos.

Interactive Tests and Homework

There are many opportunities to practice the learned knowledge. Apart from written homework, students can do interactive revision tests with immediate results and statistics.

Additional Materials

We will teach you how to pronounce special characters and how to write them on the keyboard, how to use good quality dictionaries and other online tools. We even have lessons on Czech culture and manners.

Did you know that words dollar, pistol, polka and robot are originally Czech?

Students All around the World

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Map of Users

Why Choose Us?

Premium Quality Teacher

This website was developed by Tomáš Ptáčník, a professional language teacher and mentor who has devoted his whole life to learning and teaching languages. Tomáš has been giving lessons for 14 years.

Online Assistance

The teacher assists online and strives to answer any questions in the discussions. If there are persistent mistakes in your homework, you will get notified!

Regular Updates

This is a living educational material. You can find new content every week, ranging from conversation topics, new vocabulary sets, audio records and grammar lessons.

Learn on the Go

The website is fully accessible from the computer, tablet or your phone. You can even download our app so you can resume learning from anywhere anytime.

Classroom-like Education

Czech Time courses are designed in the same way as if the lessons were taken in the classroom. We fully understand students’ needs and know that no aspect of learning should be omitted. Therefore, you are required not only to learn grammar, but also to write, read, listen and speak.

The Website is Just Beautiful

We have been trying to make the website as modern as possible. The clean design and easy navigation will make your learning a relaxing and enjoyable activity.

Testimonial Image
Eleanor V.

“I love the pictures which make the learning so much more fun to learn.”

Testimonial Image
Maryia G.

“The grammar is so well explained that even a simple person as I am can understand it.”

Testimonial Image
Richard M.

Simply phenomenal and seamless for learning Czech from scratch!

Did you know that a native Czech person uses approximately 5 000 words in their active conversation?

Choose your Plan


659 CZK
per month

599 CZK
every month.

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379 CZK
per month

2 034 CZK
every 6 months.

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329 CZK
per month

3 588 CZK
every 12 months.

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You can also enjoy our free lessons with limited functions and access.

Ready to learn Czech?

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